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What is CAAFE?


Christians Against Abortion & Fetal Exploitation was founded for the glory of God dedicated to the cause of ending legalized abortion and the practice of fetal exploitation. CAAFE Ministries Inc. does not have charitable status due to our political agenda and relies solely on financial contributions of benefactors who partner with this cause.  

CAAFE Ministries’ Outreach Model


Historically, most Pro-Life organizations began as an outreach ministries of Christian churches. Christian Pro-Life advocates served as protectors of the pre-born and focused largely upon the heinous act of abortion but very little in the area of fetal tissue trafficking to the pharmaceutical industry. Tragically, over many decades, Satan has been highly successful in keeping information about aborted fetal tissues in vaccines hidden from the world. Many Christians and Pro-Life advocates have received fetal-exploitive vaccines in complete ignorance of the fetal tissue issue.


Even more egregious is that in 2021 there are Christian Pastors and congregants, and even Pro-Life advocates who profess the name of Jesus Christ knowingly defending fetal-exploitive vaccines at the same time, and justifying their use as a matter of personal conscience. Judges 21:25 “In those days there was no king in Israel. Everyone did what was right in his own eyes.”


CAAFE Ministries’ teams engage church Pastors and Pro-Life organization leaders in discussion over their tolerance of fetal-exploitive products within their organizations. Our goal is to see such men and women come to true repentance for their sin of perpetuating the chain of supply and demand for freshly aborted human babies. Many Church and Pro-Life organizations have surrendered their moral authority and Scriptural relevance to Satan,  becoming a reproach to the Gospel of Jesus Christ by participating in the evil practices of pharmaceutical sorcery and pharmaceutical cannibalism.


When Does life Begin? - CAAFE Doctrinal Foundation


We believe the Holy Word of our Creator is the final authority as stated in Leviticus 17:11 “For the life of the flesh is in the blood; and I have given it to you upon the altar to make atonement for your souls; for it is the blood that maketh atonement by reason of the life.”


Every human life begins at conception when a live human male sperm penetrates and fertilizes a live human female egg. At this point the genetic makeup and gender of that baby is determined for the rest of their life. The newly fertilized living human egg makes his or her way to the uterine wall for implantation where they will be nourished by the living blood of their mother through the placenta. At 5 weeks after conception the baby human being will have a functioning heart, pumping live blood through their body. HUMAN LIFE HAS NEVER EMERGED FROM LIFELESS BIOLOGICAL MATTER !!!


What is abortion and fetal exploitation?


1 - Abortion is the act of  murdering an innocent human being while they are still in the body of their mother, connected by the umbilical cord.


2 - Fetal exploitation is the practice of plundering body tissues from the desecrated body of a murdered preborn human being for any purpose. Fetal tissues are used in scientific research. They are used by the pharmaceutical industry in the testing and/or ingredients of vaccines and medicines. They are also used in the food flavoring and perfume industries in the testing of food flavorings, and perfume scents. Fetal cell research is legislated and regulated by federal governmental bodies across the planet.


Why does CAAFE believe is fetal exploitation a sin?

First and foremost, fetal exploitation and trafficking creates an insatiable cycle of supply and demand for aborted babies. Secondly, Scripture condemns desecration of deceased human bodies.

Numbers 19:11-16

“Whoever touches any dead body will be unclean for seven days. He is to purify himself on the third day and on the seventh day. Then he will be clean. But if he does not purify himself on the third and seventh days, he will not be clean. Anyone touching the dead body of any man, who does not purify himself, defiles Adonai’s Tabernacle, and that person will be cut off from Israel. Because the cleansing water was not sprinkled on him, he is unclean and his uncleanness will remain on him. “This is the Torah for whenever a person dies in a tent. Anyone entering the tent or anyone inside the tent will be unclean seven days. Any open container not having a lid fastened on it will also be unclean. Anyone out in the open field who touches a dead body, whether killed by a sword or was killed by a natural cause, or touches a human bone or a grave, shall be unclean seven days.


What does CAAFE believe needs to change in order to end legalized abortion and fetal exploitation?


The practice of abortion needs to be regarded as first-degree murder in every legislative and  judicial system on the planet. This can only happen when laws are changed to recognize that all human life is human and begins at the moment of conception. When legalized abortion is overturned, legalized trafficking in fetal tissues and fetal research will also end as a result.


How does CAAFE believe these changes can become reality?


When lies are embraced, truth is suppressed. CAAFE believes that destroying lies with truth is the first step in winning the battle for the lives of the preborn. There is a covert attack on Christianity, and all modern Christians have been impacted with the curse of abortion, whether we recognize the fact or not. Through prayer, education, repentance, righteous action, peaceful protest, political petition, and providing financial support to affiliated organizations possessing the resources to fight existing legislation, changes are possible. Jesus called His followers to be salt and light in a dark world. This is an opportunity for the Church to make a difference and be a voice for the voiceless.

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