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Dear Fellow Believers

Pastors and Rabbis, please download and share these powerful slideshows and share them with your congregants and everyone you know

Fellow believers, please download and share these powerful slideshows and share them with your Pastor or Rabbi and everyone you know





Dear Pastors, Rabbis and Fellow Believers;


A growing number of Bible believing Christians and Jews have received immunizations for the Coronavirus through vaccinations produced by Moderna, Pfizer, AstraZeneca and Johnson&Johnson.


Many are not aware that all four of these companies use aborted fetal cell cultures in the production of their vaccines. Moderna and Pfizer use the aborted cell cultures to test their vaccines, while AstraZeneca and Johnson&Johnson use the aborted cell cultures as ingredients in their vaccines. This claim is absolutely verifiable through the following links to Product Monograph Sheets from the pharmaceutical companies, public policy statements by the pharmaceutical companies, and patent information from the pharmaceutical companies.


astrazeneca-covid-19-vaccine-pm-en.pdf (

janssen-covid-19-vaccine-pm-en.pdf (

Pfizer's Stem Cell Research Policy | pfpfizeruscom  


The God of Israel condemns child sacrifice to Molech (Abortion) and occult/sorceries (Pharmakeia). Leviticus 20:1-8 clearly relates these two sins and isolates them in this bookended passage of Scripture. Included within this passage is condemnation for those who turn their eyes away from this crime against God.


We at CAAFE Ministries have been passionately pleading with leaders in the faith community to share this information with their congregants. The vaccines named above would not exist apart from a steady supply of fresh aborted baby tissues. How can the God we serve pronounce His blessing on those who process aborted humans into pharmaceutical products, or the products that are a by-product of murder?


Sadly, we have spoken with Pastors and Rabbis that are fully aware of the use of aborted fetal cell cultures in vaccines and haven’t made the connection between vaccines and satanic sorcery. They continue to turn their eyes away from this crime against God as they roll up their sleeves for the vaccines and encourage their congregants to do the same.


The fact that millions of pre-born human Canadians have been slaughtered in the womb since abortion was de-regulated in 1988 should suggest to us that perhaps God has sent the Corona Virus crisis as a form of judgment on our wicked and sinful nation as well as the rest of the world. We are literally being forced to choose between taking these vaccines and the threat of not being able to work, buy or sell unless we take the shots. The NDP in Alberta are threatening door to door vaccination campaigns.


We are not anti-medicine or anti-science in any way; however, it is impossible to claim to be Pro-Life and pro-vaccine or pro-choice regarding vaccines that are a by-product of abortion. Until the truth about abortion and modern vaccines is fully exposed, repentance is impossible and the curse of death will continue to rage on humanity.


Your’s sincerely;

Brad and Christine Warner

Directors, CAAFE Ministries

Christians Against Abortion & Fetal Exploitation

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