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Religious Exemption from Vaccination Form


On August 31, 2021 the Government of Alberta imposed forced proof of double vaccination for Alberta Health Services workers. This new measure is in complete violation of the Canadian Charter OF Rights and Freedoms. This agenda will eventually reach every employable citizen of Alberta if the current trend continues.

Know your rights as a Canadian citizen. Please feel free to download this "Declaration of Religious Exemption From Vaccination" PDF file seen below by clicking on this icon:

According to The Alberta Human Rights Commission, an exemption from vaccinations under religious grounds does exist. Please click on this link to view:

Please feel free to download and print this JPEG image of the the applicable text to include with your exemption  letter to further validate your exemption claim when challenged by an employer or even possibly an over zealous law enforcement official or security guard.

Will it stand in court? Nothing is guaranteed anymore. Doing nothing at all will get you nothing at all. Your employer needs to be notified of this Declaration of Religious Exemption From Vaccination if you are ever threatened with termination of employment for refusing to take any vaccine.

Sample of PDF:


Declaration of Religious Exemption From Vaccination

I, __________________ ­­ on this day declare according to;


The Canadian Charter Of Rights And Freedoms;

2. Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms;

a.  freedom of conscience and religion;

b.  freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of    

     the press and other media of communication;


my fundamental right and freedom according to my conscience and religion as a believer in Jesus Christ our Creator who declares in Scripture that all of humanity are created in His image and are regarded by Him as fully human from the moment of conception, fully protectable by the letter of His Law against murder;

to decline the option to be vaccinated with products produced with aborted fetal cell cultures, produced by any company that uses aborted fetal cell cultures in the production of any of their products, without fear of discrimination in any form against myself from any individual or organization;

and according to my freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression of my Christian faith that I would be violating the Law of God according to the Bible as stated in Leviticus 20:1-8 by promoting the murder of preborn human children and the exploitation of fetal tissues by accepting any vaccination on my own behalf.


Declared by                    _______________________________

On this day                     _______________________________

At                                    _______________________________

Commissioner of Oaths  _______________________________

AHRC Duty To Accomodate.JPG
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